Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
Text File
233 lines
** $VER: identify.h 7.3 (31.8.97)
** identify.library definitions
** (C) Copyright 1996-97 Richard Koerber
** All Rights Reserved.
{$if not def EXEC_LIBRARIES_H;incl 'exec/libraries.h';endif}
{$if not def UTILITY_TAGITEM_H;incl 'utility/tagitem.h';endif}
CONST _IDTAGS = $CD450000;
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ Generic library informations }
TYPE p_IdentifyBase = ^_IdentifyBase;
_IdentifyBase = Record
ifyb_LibNode :_Library;
CONST IDENTIFYBUFLEN = 50; { default buffer length }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ Expansion() tags }
IDTAG_ConfigDev = _IDTAGS+$00; { "p_ConfigDev" ConfigDev }
{ structure to be evaluated }
IDTAG_ManufID = _IDTAGS+$01; { UWORD manufacturer ID if no }
{ ConfigDev is available }
IDTAG_ProdID = _IDTAGS+$02; { UBYTE product ID if no }
{ ConfigDev is available }
IDTAG_StrLength = _IDTAGS+$03; { UWORD of maximum buffer length, }
{ including termination. Default }
{ is 50. }
IDTAG_ManufStr = _IDTAGS+$04; { STRPTR of manufacturer name }
{ puffer, or NULL }
IDTAG_ProdStr = _IDTAGS+$05; { STRPTR of product name }
{ puffer, or NULL }
IDTAG_ClassStr = _IDTAGS+$06; { STRPTR of product class }
{ puffer, or NULL }
IDTAG_DeadStr = _IDTAGS+$07; { STRPTR deadend or recoverable alert? }
IDTAG_SubsysStr = _IDTAGS+$08; { STRPTR alert subsystem }
IDTAG_GeneralStr = _IDTAGS+$09; { STRPTR alert general cause }
IDTAG_SpecStr = _IDTAGS+$0A; { STRPTR alert specific cause }
IDTAG_FuncNameStr = _IDTAGS+$0B; { STRPTR function name }
IDTAG_Expansion = _IDTAGS+$0C; { "pp_ConfigDev" ConfigDev for a }
{ complete expansion check. Init }
{ the variable with NULL and pass }
{ a pointer to it using this tag. }
IDTAG_Secondary = _IDTAGS+$0D; { BOOL warn for secondary expansion }
{ boards (defaults to FALSE) }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ Hardware description types }
IDHW_SYSTEM = 0; { System (Amiga,DraCo,...) [V2] }
IDHW_CPU = 1; { CPU (68000,68010,...,68060) }
IDHW_FPU = 2; { FPU (---,68881,68882,68040,68060) }
IDHW_MMU = 3; { MMU (---,68852,68030,68040,68060) }
IDHW_OSVER = 4; { OS Version (Vx.x) }
IDHW_EXECVER = 5; { Exec Version (Vx.x) }
IDHW_WBVER = 6; { Workbench Version (---,Vx.x) }
IDHW_ROMSIZE = 7; { OS ROM Size (xKB, xMB) }
IDHW_CHIPSET = 8; { Chipset (OCS,ECS,AGA,DraCo) }
IDHW_GFXSYS = 9; { Graphic OS (AmigaOS, CyberGraphX, ...) }
IDHW_CHIPRAM = 10; { Chip RAM (xKB, xMB, xGB) }
IDHW_FASTRAM = 11; { Fast RAM (xKB, xMB, xGB) }
IDHW_RAM = 12; { Total RAM (xKB, xMB, xGB) }
IDHW_SETPATCHVER = 13; { SetPatch Version (---,Vx.x) [V4] }
IDHW_AUDIOSYS = 14; { Audio OS (AmigaOS, AHI, ...) [V5] }
IDHW_OSNR = 15; { AmigaOS (2.04, 3.1, ...) }
IDHW_VMMCHIPRAM = 16; { VMM Chip RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_VMMFASTRAM = 17; { VMM Fast RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_VMMRAM = 18; { VMM Total RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_PLNCHIPRAM = 19; { Plain Chip RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_PLNFASTRAM = 20; { Plain Fast RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_PLNRAM = 21; { Plain Total RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_VBR = 22; { Vector Base Register [V6] }
IDHW_LASTALERT = 23; { Last Alert code }
IDHW_VBLANKFREQ = 24; { VBlank Frequency }
IDHW_POWERFREQ = 25; { Power Frequency }
IDHW_ECLOCK = 26; { EClock }
IDHW_SLOWRAM = 27; { Plain Slow RAM (*KB, *MB, *GB) }
IDHW_GARY = 28; { Gary (---,Normal,...) }
IDHW_RAMSEY = 29; { RAMSEY (---,D,F)
IDHW_BATTCLOCK = 30; { Battery Backed Up Clock (---,Found) }
IDHW_CHUNKYPLANAR = 31; { Chunky To Planar Hardware (---,Found) [V7] }
IDHW_POWERPC = 32; { PowerPC present? (---,Found) }
IDHW_PPCCLOCK = 33; { PowerPC clock (unit MHz) }
IDHW_NUMBEROF = 34; { Number of types, PRIVATE! }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_SYSTEM numerical result codes }
IDSYS_AMIGA1000 = 0; { Amiga 1000 }
IDSYS_AMIGAOCS = 1; { OCS Amiga 500/2000 }
IDSYS_AMIGAECS = 2; { ECS Amiga 500/2000 }
IDSYS_AMIGA500 = 3; { Amiga 500 }
IDSYS_AMIGA2000 = 4; { Amiga 2000 }
IDSYS_AMIGA3000 = 5; { Amiga 3000 }
IDSYS_AMIGA600 = 7; { Amiga 600 }
IDSYS_CD32 = 8; { CD32 }
IDSYS_AMIGA1200 = 9; { Amiga 1200 }
IDSYS_AMIGA4000 = 10; { Amiga 4000 }
IDSYS_DRACO = 11; { DraCo }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_CPU numerical result codes }
IDCPU_68000 = 0; { 68000 }
IDCPU_68010 = 1; { 68010 }
IDCPU_68020 = 2; { 68020 }
IDCPU_68030 = 3; { 68030 }
IDCPU_68EC030 = 4; { 68EC030 (without MMU) }
IDCPU_68040 = 5; { 68040 }
IDCPU_68LC040 = 6; { 68LC040 (without FPU) }
IDCPU_68060 = 7; { 68060 }
IDCPU_68LC060 = 8; { 68LC060 (without FPU) }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_FPU numerical result codes }
IDFPU_NONE = 0; { no FPU }
IDFPU_68881 = 1; { 68881 }
IDFPU_68882 = 2; { 68882 }
IDFPU_68040 = 3; { 68040 }
IDFPU_68060 = 4; { 68060 }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_MMU numerical result codes }
IDMMU_NONE = 0; { no MMU }
IDMMU_68851 = 1; { 68851 }
IDMMU_68030 = 2; { 68030 }
IDMMU_68040 = 3; { 68040 }
IDMMU_68060 = 4; { 68060 }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_OSNR numerical result codes }
IDOS_UNKNOWN = 0; { <V36 or >V41 }
IDOS_2_0 = 1; { OS2.0 (V36) }
IDOS_2_04 = 2; { OS2.04 (V37) }
IDOS_2_1 = 3; { OS2.1 (V38) }
IDOS_3_0 = 4; { OS3.0 (V39) }
IDOS_3_1 = 5; { OS3.1 (V40) }
IDOS_3_2 = 6; { OS3.2 (V41) }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_CHIPSET numerical result codes }
IDCS_OCS = 0; { OCS }
IDCS_ECS = 1; { ECS }
IDCS_AGA = 2; { AGA }
IDCS_ALTAIS = 3; { DraCo Altais }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_GFXSYS numerical result codes }
IDGOS_AMIGAOS = 0; { Plain AmigaOS }
IDGOS_EGS = 1; { EGS }
IDGOS_RETINA = 2; { Retina }
IDGOS_GRAFFITI = 3; { Graffiti }
IDGOS_PROBENCH = 5; { Merlin ProBench }
IDGOS_PICASSO = 6; { Picasso }
IDGOS_CGX = 7; { CyberGraphX }
IDGOS_CGX3 = 8; { CyberGraphX 3D }
IDGOS_PICASSO96 = 9; { Picasso96 }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_AUDIOSYS numerical result codes }
IDAOS_AMIGAOS = 0; { Plain AmigaOS }
IDAOS_MAESTIX = 1; { MaestroPro driver }
IDAOS_TOCCATA = 2; { Toccata driver }
IDAOS_PRELUDE = 3; { Prelude driver }
IDAOS_AHI = 4; { AHI }
IDAOS_MACROAUDIO = 5; { MacroAudio }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_GARY numerical result codes }
IDGRY_NONE = 0; { No Gary available }
IDGRY_NORMAL = 1; { Normal Gary }
IDGRY_ENHANCED = 2; { Enhanced Gary }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_RAMSEY numerical result codes }
IDRSY_NONE = 0; { No RamSey available }
IDRSY_REVD = 1; { RamSey Revision D }
IDRSY_REVF = 2; { RamSey Revision F }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ IDHW_POWERPC numerical result codes }
IDPPC_NONE = 0; { No PowerPC implemented }
IDPPC_OTHER = 1; { Another PowerPC }
IDPPC_602 = 2; { 602 }
IDPPC_603 = 3; { 603 }
IDPPC_603E = 4; { 603e }
IDPPC_603P = 5; { 603p }
IDPPC_604 = 6; { 604 }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ Error codes }
{ Positive error codes are DOS errors! }
IDERR_OKAY = 0; { No error }
IDERR_NOLENGTH = -1; { Buffer length is 0 ?? }
IDERR_BADID = -2; { Missing or bad board ID }
IDERR_NOMEM = -3; { Not enough memory }
IDERR_NOFD = -4; { No fitting FD file found }
IDERR_OFFSET = -5; { Function offset not found }
IDERR_DONE = -6; { Done with traversing (not an error) }
IDERR_SECONDARY = -7; { Secondary expansion board (not an error) }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{ That's all... }